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xRide xR6000

SKU: COMM-73345 Category:

Challenge your members to test ride the xRide xR6000 for a workout to remember. Quite simply, the xRide xR6000 outperforms any other seated product on your fitness floor. Studies show that exercisers use 343% more glutes and burn 23% more calories on the xRide xR6000 compared to a recumbent bike. Meeting the goals of every member, the xRide’s tremendous range of resistance levels, inNovative workouts and eNormous versatility are unmatched.

The xRide xR6000 includes many program options and customizable interval programs that let your members make each workout their own. With heart rate-controlled programs, constant output programs (measured in METs or watts), the inNovative 30:30 performance program and Octane’s unique workout boosters (Muscle Endurance, Chest Press and Leg Press), your users and personal trainers will find everything they need to get a great workout every time.

The xRide xR6000 from Octane Fitness – the inspired new way to fuel your club!

Weight 0.01 kg


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